Great Big War v1.1.3 ͙ Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android s | Android Market | Android 2.2 up ͙ Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android s | Android Market | generalissimo back, caus more mayhem than ever! ͙ ͙
͙ A tap swipe turn-based strategy a huge sense of humor, featur funny cartoon military units set a stunn fictional world. ͙ Great Big War much ancipated sequel critily acclaimed Great Little War . (See did re?) ͙ a greatly expanded sle player campaign, br online mulplayer a whole raft of cool stuff, re's plenty please 2.5 million strong player base. ͙ br? Don't worry - re's a full - manual good torials ease . If missed original , still play t find where those 5 star reviews came from. ͙ NOTE: By purchas t , agree hold Rubicon harmless any loss of sleep, drop work productivity, poor school attendance, family break downs, melted cellphones medi claims of "addic fer". ͙ Core Features: ͙ ❋ 50 Mission sle player campaign ͙ ❋ Online asynchronous mulplayer ͙ ❋ Pass n Play & Skirmish vs AI ͙ ❋ Lush visuals ͙ ❋ Simple, intuitive control method ͙ ❋ Tons of humor ͙ ❋ No birds re harmed ( made angry) dur development! ͙ See critics said ab original : ͙ ❋ Touch Arcade review: 5/5 ͙ "I'll l Great Little War "great" with hesitation" ... " kind of really sink teeth into, which rare enough. I'm delighted discover i also rich features, good look full of humor." ͙ ❋ TapScape review: 10/10 ͙ "Great Little War just : a ll-designed enjoyable tacti war perfect those who enjoy lighter side of virtual warfare." ͙ ❋ First place ͙ " lavish production values of , incredible attenon detail excellent animation gives a sense of aerial, naval l warfare gets good expect a small screen" ͙ 's t version: ͙ (1.1.3) ͙ * Fixes crashes dur load mission/maps. ͙ * Fixes garbled audio some devices. ͙ * Fix some HTC devices hav trouble online play. ͙ /> ͙ ͙ ͙ Download: ͙ http://ul./fa69lkwg ͙ ͙ ͙ ͙ SD files: (sdcard/Android/obb) ͙ http://ul./beiazb01 ͙ ͙ Download Android Apk ͙Great Big War Game v1.1.3 VIA Hotfile Download Android Apk ͙Great Big War Game v1.1.3 VIA Mediafire Download Android Apk ͙Great Big War Game v1.1.3 VIA Rapidshare