[CENTER] ͙ ͙ ͙ ͙ own a of movies? have trouble keep track of movies? ͙ My Movies Android allows catalog enre movie ion a few taps. ͙ Important Notice! T lication manag a movie ion. not possible download watch movies. ͙ title search us archive supplied by TMDb. moviedb.org (Tmdb) a free open movie database. It completely open led by people . 'now used by millions of people every month, also used by centers of world's most popular media. T lication interacts t database retrieve inmation ab movie. invite collaborate http://www.moviedb.org . seconds any inmation relevant a movie. ͙ evaluate lication by download My Movies Free Android. an iden version, available free, b limited 30 titles. Free version contains Ads. ͙ My Movies Android keep track of movies have, have owned lent movies wish buy, than those already seen, want see. again will have buy rent a movie twice. ͙ If buy PRO lication easily retrieve titles included FREE. FREE a database backup, PRO go setngs tap restore db from FREE version. ͙ any problem suggestion, please contact us at: jcoluc@gmail.com. are unable help if leave a comment market. Please help us improve. quality stability of our top priority. will hily help any problem. ͙ Features: ͙ movie by title search barcode search. ͙ movie by cast member search. ͙ Manage different categories (Owned, wished...). ͙ Customize location, notes, evaluation more. ͙ View details synopsis, full cast list, much more. ͙ Display poster magnified high definition. ͙ Link IMDB site, if owned directly interacts IMDB lication. ͙ Link TMDB site. ͙ Link WIKIPEDIA site cast management. ͙ Watch trailers. ͙ Loan titles keep track. also select from contacts. a few taps l send a t message an email contact remind him back movie. plus also p a reminder endar. lication will remember loaned movies. ͙ Quick search of movies sort. ͙ Integration social network lications device (Twitter, Facebook, Google + etc.). ͙ Shake random select based filters lied. ͙ Create backups of movie ion restore previous backups. ͙ Management of cast photos, biography filmography. ͙ Section released recently recommended movies. ͙ lication optimized phones b not tablet. ͙ 's t version : (Updated : Sep 19, 2012) ͙ list view added icon movie watched favorite ͙ Added mat: Mkv 3D ͙ Accelerated scroll list of movies ͙ Minor bugs fixed ͙ Required Android O/S : 2.2+ ͙ ͙
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