͙ Pocket Planets largest 3D Solar Stem Simulator Google Play Store. ͙ sed representation of Sun, Planets, Moons, Asteroids, Dwarfs detailed inmation celestial objects. ͙ Regardless if are a beginner advanced astronomer, t s closer planets than any telescope. ͙ Discover ... ͙ Sun, bright shin star center of our Solar Stem ͙ Mercury, fastest planet orbit around our Sun ͙ Venus, its greenhouse effect produces a surface temperature would even lead melng ͙ Earth, blue oasis place filled life ͙ Mars, inspiration many SciFi films books ͙ Jupiter, giant, guardian protector our neighborhood ͙ Saturn, rs of unique beay elegance ͙ Uranus, which rolls over its orbit a bowl ball ͙ Neptune, ermost recognized planet ͙ Plo, of a category of dwarf planets ͙ B se are not objects of t simulator, because far not know Orcus, Varuna, Ceres, Pallas, Haumea asteroids dwarf planets. Not menon Sedna whose orbit still speculative science. ͙ Nearly 200 objects are included t simulator, b not static images, rar liv objects a liv universe. Enjoy Solar Stem realme, fure past. ͙ cosmos life an innovative timeslider. Let take its course, how fast depends se factor of timeslider. A wipe fer simulator comes life. ͙ a more exit view experience various camera modes are available. Attach camera a planet place it at a fixed location space let celestial bodies pass by, portrait landscape mode, whatever prefer. ͙ 's still not . A built encyclopedia gives useful inmation ab each object of simulation, extracted from Wikipedia. ͙ are wait , don't miss t view experience, re no easier way explore wonderful world beyond our planet. ͙ if ever feel "Lost Space", don't worry, because its just a simulation. ͙ Features: ͙ Nearly 200 simulation objects ͙ Simulation of real celestial body distances dimensions ͙ Adjustable simulator an innovative timeslider ͙ Flexible camera stem a unique view experience ͙ Portrait landscape mode ͙ Many HD tures, some of original records (NASA Voyager, Cassini spacecraft) ͙ Many preference options ͙ Ephemeris data based NASA Horizons stem ͙ Orbit culations modified Kepler algorithms ͙ Encyclopedia function, most important inmation from Wikipedia ͙ 's t version : (Updated : Sep 16, 2012) ͙ smooth UI modeEarth now clouds ͙ Now function set simulator stem ͙ 's dialog ͙ Zoom limits ͙ Additional option menus ͙ Required Android O/S : 2.2+ ͙ ͙
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