A2+ Surface measurement v2.2 ͙ Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android s | Android Market | Fndroidapk.blogspot.com: Android 2.2 up ͙ Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android s | Android Market | Fndroidapk.blogspot.com: Measure any surface, perimeter distance mode manual aomatic. ͙ ͙
͙ A2 an lication dedicated surface measurement, perimeter distance. l measured be world be of magnitude. T lication useful measur agricultural l, sports, roofs of houses, plots b also lakes, countries, connents etc. ... ͙ display area may be: m2 square feet, square yard, are hectare. ͙ A2 measure display perimeter of ground intermediate distances. measurement be displayed feet, Inch, Yard Feet. ͙ A2 save plans, edit m export m via e-mail Bluetooth mat "KML" ( use software Google Earth, Google Maps, Google Mobile, World Wind, Sketchup ... ). ͙ A2 uses Google MAP GPS geotagg. ͙ Mullual: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian Portuguese. ͙ A2 has 4 operat modes: ͙ - GPS: user ground measure. It validates a series of points best describe ground through position provided by GPS. ͙ - GPS AO : user ground measure. lication aomatily takes points a regular interval. ͙ Just move self along ground its line drawn. interval adjustable from 5 120 seconds. aomatic mode be stopped restarted at any . ͙ - Manual: user enters points manually with hav travel by locat map. ͙ - Mixed: user ground grabbed points via GPS be added manually ( example access difficult). ͙ culation of surface effected displayed at each point bee. result be stated m2 square feet, square yard, are, ha. ͙ Flexibility of A2. ͙ - Aomatic record of points a regular interval. ͙ - View perimeter intermediate distances. ͙ - View a compass altude better geolocation. ͙ - Address search easily find a field be measured. ͙ - Inmation items seized: ͙ At any , user know GPS coordinates of points entered. ͙ - Manually move a point: ͙ Each entered point be moved fer adjust its position. ͙ - Deleng a point: ͙ A point be deleted individually. ͙ - Manually inserng a point beten two exist points: ͙ insert a point beten two exist points refine trac of plan. ͙ - Display of surface: ͙ area culated displayed bee each point. ͙ - Archiv of measures: ͙ Each field measured be archived a custom name. Each record be reopened again be edited. ͙ - GPS reception indicator: ͙ icon at top right corner of lication indicates quality of GPS reception. Green indicates good reception, orange red mean a poor reception. ͙ - GPS Inmation: ͙ "inmation" bton will display location inmation from GPS. ͙ - Export plans mat 'KML': ͙ export a plan mat 'KML', must go backup list press icon 'email'. A2 adds, e-mail, plan attached. simply write recipient send message. ͙ - backup list shows date, area perimeter of l saved. ͙ - Function "undo" undo last action permed. ͙ Options. ͙ Several measurement options are available: ͙ - Unit of measure: meter, inch, feet yards. ͙ - Surface unit: m2 square feet, square yard, are, ha. ͙ - Map Type: Map, Satellite, Hybrid (map + satellite). ͙ - Accuracy GPS mode: <100m, <10m, <5m. T option will not allow seized point if GPS accuracy below setpoint. ͙ /> ͙ ͙
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