My Budget Book v3.1 ͙ Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android s | Android Market | Android 2.1+ ͙ Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android s | Android Market | expenses at a glance! ͙ ͙
͙ expenses at a glance. ͙ My Budget Book not a normal household accounts book. ͙ T helps keep track of expenditures earns manage money more effectively. ͙ Use individual transfers stand orders feature get an idea of expenses over next couple of months see how much money have available spend. also gives a graphi overview of inmation, mak it easier plan (larger) purchases over up-com months. ͙ know it feels want buy someth b not know wher afd it. Use My Budget Book see current balance ll how many bills have pay bee end of month. ͙ Features: ͙
- Easy access. No internet connection required - No registration!
- Available 10 languages (At moment moment language based telephone setngs).
- See t months balance when starts up.
- graphi overview perfect plann expenses over upcom of months.
- Customize overview by chang number of past fure months are displayed.
- Manage more than account - Record earns expenses across accounts.
- Visualise statistics a table graph see where money has gone by categoris earns expenses.
- Filter earns expenses accord months, quarters whole years.
- Use porful search function look specific expenses / periods.
- Carry balance over into next month.
- Manage stand orders plan ahead upcom months.
- Create templates inpng expenses even easier.
- furr main sub-categories get a better overview of expenses
- Use notepad monitor important expenses.
- Protect data by activat password protection.
- Export data HTML CSV mat ( an SD card).
- Create backups lose data.
- Import exist data us CSV import function (Just move CSV file folder "SDCard/My Budget Book" import it via setngs (Import of mats will be made available by request).
- Transactions templates now be copied via cont menu. ͙
- Transactions now be used a template via cont menu.
- main category will be displayed addition transaction, if it a sub-category.
- Various optimizations.